Tmz a dogs purpose video
Tmz a dogs purpose video

Not only are there trainers and AHA, but every moment we are watched and filmed. Animals working on set are incredibly scrutinized.None of which makes it ok-that dog clearly did not want that experience, and it was a mistake not to avoid it-but it was likely just that: a mistake, and the dog was likely fine ten seconds later. I used to have to drag Tillie away from the Rio Grande because she found the current exhilarating and would seek out the rapids, often getting far more submerged than this dog. But again, how awful this was is questionable-many dogs love playing in the waves, even though from time to time they get dunked and rolled, but thirty seconds later they are back at it. Why she was so far away is unclear, but it was likely a mistake -the dog had always veered to the other side before, or they misjudged the current and thought he would get more across. There was a trainer in the water near the end when the dog was pushed under by current.When to “push” is a judgement call, and sometimes people get it wrong, or it looks wrong from the outside… Some animals, or children, pitch a remarkable fit about having their nails trimmed or getting into a crate or not getting a treat at the store, and while force is almost never the best response, one also needs to recognize that without lots more information these fits can look much worse than they are… Millions of loving pet owners have enacted scenes like this trying to get Fido into the bath, or into a pool for the first time, and in 90% of those cases the animal has not suffered physical or psychological damage. However, there are moments when pushing a dog to get into the water and realize that no harm will result can be a viable alternative to consider.

tmz a dogs purpose video

Forcing an animal to do something is almost never the best technique.Why was there no ramp in or out, what was the plan, what information are we missing?

tmz a dogs purpose video

  • I do not fully understand what I saw–no sane trainer would show up with an unprepared animal and expect to shove it into that water.
  • The guy narrating is not, so far as I can tell, part of the animal team and is not speaking for them, and what he is saying is silly and objectionable but irrelevant.
  • This is how it is normally done because it is what is best for the animal, and because it is what is best for the production!Īs I said, I am not going to defend what happened, but here are a few ‘mitigating’ thoughts about what I observed in this video: By the time this scene filmed, the dog would not merely be willing to get into the water, he would love getting in and swimming in the current. A few weeks before filming, the dog would start rehearsing on the actual set, first with no current, then gradually increasing the current as the dog became confident and comfortable. If the dog did not love swimming, a double would have been found who did. The dog would have been running into water, dock diving, swimming across rivers with more and more current. Normally, this scene would have been prepped long in advance. What I can tell you is how this scene would “normally” be handled: I am absolutely not defending, or attacking, the trainers involved, as I just do not know enough. Of course, this video looks awful, but it is a few moments edited for maximal impact. We were not there, and watching a snippet of video can be so misleading that I am reluctant to offer any thoughts because we do not know context, we did not see what happened before or after, and we have not heard the other side, so drawing any conclusions is problematic. However, I do not know much about the events portrayed in the TMZ video, and neither do you. What I “saw” on the video, taken at face value, is unacceptable. They live longer, healthier, and happier lives than 99% of pets or wild animals. The animals I know in film and television are some of the most loved and pampered on the planet, with lives rich in comfort, joy, play, adventure, health, and fun. Let me start by saying this: I am very proud of the work I do, and would wager my soul that virtually every animal I have worked with has had a great time.

    tmz a dogs purpose video tmz a dogs purpose video

    TMZ recently released a video showing a German Shepherd being forced into the water for a scene in “A Dog’s Purpose.” While we had nothing to with this production, we have received numerous requests for comment:

    Tmz a dogs purpose video